Thursday, August 9, 2012

The View From My Soapbox

I understand that the American Justice Department has decided to NOT go forward with prosecution of those Wall Street firms and bankers who were responsible for the billion dollar loses that have occurred over the past 4 years.

I was a fan of President Obama but he has been all but silent on the need for more regulations on the financial industry despite the few things his administration has put in place to protect consumers. They haven't gone far enough to prevent similar damage in the future.

But that is the way it works with the rich and powerful so I shouldn't be surprised. Bush and Cheney get to live out their lives free from prosecution for the was criminals that they are. Why do you think neither would ever risk leaving the country lest they be arrested the second they land of foreign soil.

People want their pound of flesh. Americans deserves to see those who manipulated the systems and destroyed the American economy and those greedy bastards deserve to be punished.

The fact that no justice will ever be done must just further break the spirit of a nation that is already reeling. I know that Romney is the worst thing that can happen to the American people but I don't know if I can take four more years of Congress getting NOTHING done because the Right refuses to work with a black President.

You are well and truly screwed my American brothers and sisters.

The Justice Department's decision capped a good day for Goldman as the Securities and Exchange Commission decided not to file charges against the firm over a $1.3 billion subprime mortgage portfolio. At the same time, the Justice Department's decision ensured that the Obama administration will continue to feel political heat, particularly from the liberal wing of the president's own party, for not having brought more prosecutions in the financial crisis.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Set up the guillotine, I say.

Nathan said...

Yeah, like the people who basically run the government and the justice system would be prosecuted.

Kal said...

I know, eh? What was I thinking.