Friday, August 24, 2012

Sometimes The Truth Isn't Pretty

When I finally snap - which can be coming any day now - I have already picked out my outfit to adequately show off my madness and my physique. Now that is a confident man who doesn't care to impress anyone else on the island. Why should he - piss him off and he will be the first one to put the voodoo on you.



MichaelVP said...

This looks vaguely familiar...

Kal said...

Is that one of yours? I had forgetten where I found it. I will be sure to give you credit.

MichaelVP said...

Ha. Thanks, but I was just being funny.. I love that pic, too. I have a few more of him attempting to dance (ooga-booga!!) -- saving for a rainy day... :)

D.I. Felipe González said...

Not an adequate outfit for you geography, boreal Cal. Better get the inuit version of the same.